
Cheese and Honey Festival

About the attraction

A Cheese and Honey Festival is a celebration that rescues the traditions of the municipality of angelina, valuing local production, especially that of beekeepers and milk and cheese producers.

The 27th edition of this event aims to promote regional culture, providing an experience rich in cultural and gastronomic attractions. Among the activities, typical dance performances, the selection of the Queen of the party, and shows with nationally renowned artists stand out.

During the festival, fairs and exhibitions take place in Praça Nicolau Kretzer, a vital space where traders, mainly locals, can display and sell their regional products. The event is divided between free attractions at Praça Nicolau Kretzer and paid attractions at the Community Center, providing options for all audiences.

Schedule for the 27th Cheese and Honey Festival:

July 26th (Friday)

Nicolau Kretzer Square:
7pm: Opening of Expo Angelina and Feira do Vale (Free)
Community Center:
8pm: Official Opening of the 27th Cheese and Honey Festival (Free)
9pm: Parade (Free)
10pm: Show with Fabiano Rocha (Free)
02h: Closing (Free)

July 27th (Saturday)

Nicolau Kretzer Square:
9am: Opening
10am: Cultural presentations
12pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Cultural presentations
7pm: Holy Mass

Community Center (Paid):
9pm: Show with Felipe and Kaynan
11pm: DJ Baruffi
00:00: Show with Maiara Coelho
02h: Closing

July 28th (Sunday)

Nicolau Kretzer Square:
9am: Opening
09:30 am: Holy Mass
10:30 am: Official party parade
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Cultural presentations

Community Center (Paid):
2pm: Show with Paulinho Mocelim
4:30 pm: Sunday with Grupo Raça Fandangueira
8pm: Closing

Come join this party and experience the cultural and gastronomic richness of Angelina!




traditional party


Nicolau Kretzer Square - Angelina, SC, 88460-000



Date and Time:

from July 26th to 28th


From R$00.00 to R$55.00

How to get