What to do

Battery of São Caetano da Ponta Grossa

About the attraction

Located close to Jurerê Internacional Beach, The Drums of São Caetano is a vivid testimony to the military history of Santa Catarina Island. Integrating the defensive complex of Fortress of Sao Jose da Ponta Grossa, this ancient construction dates back to a time when the region was the target of crucial military strategies.

Built in 1765 as a defensive extension of the main fortress, the São Caetano Battery was a key piece in the protection of the north bay. Equipped with six cannons, its presence guaranteed effective defense against possible invasions.

However, in 1777, during the Spanish invasion under the command of Dom Pedro de Cevallos, the battery was quickly conquered, followed by the capture of the Fortaleza de São José da Ponta Grossa itself. The conflict resulted in the brief Spanish occupation of the region, until, through a treaty, control returned to Portuguese hands.

Today, the Bateria de São Caetano remains in ruins, bearing witness to the remarkable events of its past. As part of the National Historic Site of Fortress of Sao Jose da Ponta Grossa, its preservation is crucial to keeping the memory of Santa Catarina Island alive. When visiting this site, tourists have the opportunity not only to explore its ruins, but also to enjoy the stunning views of Praia de Jurerê Internacional.





historic sites


Ruins of the Battery of São Caetano - Serv. José Cardoso de Oliveira, 488 - Jurerê Internacional, Florianópolis - SC, 88053-306




Monday: uninterrupted
Tuesday: uninterrupted
Wednesday: uninterrupted
Thursday: uninterrupted
Friday: uninterrupted
Saturday: non-stop
Sunday: non-stop



How to get