What to do

Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim Fortress

About the attraction

Welcome to the imposing Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim Fortress, a historical treasure on the paradisiacal Island of Anhatomirim, in Governador Celso Ramos.

At the time of the 19th century, when the Portuguese began to explore these lands, Anhatomirim became a strategic location occupied by European colonizers. They established three great fortresses, the Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim the pioneer, followed by São José da Ponta Grossa on Santa Catarina Island and the Saint Anthony on the Island of Ratones Grande, all created to protect what was then called Desterro (which would later be known as Florianópolis) from invasions from other countries, mainly Spain.

The fortress buildings are spread across the island, displaying stone walls dating back to ancient artillery batteries, providing a unique and impressive landscape. In construction, they prioritized local materials, except for “lioz”, a white Portuguese limestone present on door sills, staircases and cannon bases.

Standing out among these constructions is the Cover, with its oriental influence, leads visitors up a limestone staircase. A Commander's House, a colonial townhouse, evokes the atmosphere of the Brazilian colonial era. Already the Troop Barracks, with its ground-floor arcades, boasts grandeur, being the largest barracks among Brazilian fortifications.

The fortress's eventful history includes events such as the Spanish invasion of 1777 and the Federalist Revolution of 1894. Throughout the 20th century, it took on different roles, including prison and shooting base. After World War II, it was deactivated due to military technological advances.

Thanks to an agreement between the Federal University of Santa Catarina, the Ministry of the Navy and the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute, the fortress was revitalized. In 1984, it opened its doors to the public after an ambitious restoration project completed between 1989 and 1990. Now it's your turn to explore this place full of history and charm!


  • The Fortress ended up earning the nickname “Brazilian Alcatraz”, since the Island was used as a prison, and, let's face it, it was practically impossible to escape from there, as it is far from the coast.
  • The rocky island is a modest 4.5 hectares, but the diversity of life that takes place there is incredible! Especially in the surrounding waters, where starfish, dolphins and lots of little fish call the island's three beaches home. Nature took care of this little piece of paradise!
  • Believe it or not: back in the 19th century, the Fortress had an unusual role as a sanatorium for contagious diseases and epidemics. Just imagine, inspecting the boats that arrived and serving as a type of quarantine for those who were sick. This fortress has truly seen it all over the years!



The Fortress is undergoing exciting restorations! Soon, you will be able to explore an incredible virtual aquarium in the Novo Paiol da Pólvora, inside the Fortaleza de Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim. Don't worry, no animals will be kept there – it's all virtual! You will also enjoy an ecological tour aboard a solar-powered electric boat and buses. These new features, inspired by UFSC research, will make your visit even more sustainable and unforgettable!


To explore this historic gem, you'll need to embark on a boat journey with companies like South Scuna, leaving Florianópolis, or Pirate Adventure – Black Corsair, starting from Governador Celso Ramos. Discover the secrets of the Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim Fortress and delve into the rich history it holds.





historic sites


Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim Fortress, Anhatomirim Island, Gov. Celso Ramos - SC, 88190-000


Governor Celso Ramos


Monday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Friday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am to 6:30pm


R$16.00 (Exclusive payment in cash)

How to get