What to do

Fortress of Santo Antonio de Ratones

About the attraction

Located on the stunning Ratones Grande Island, on the northwest side of Santa Catarina Island, this fortress is a true historical landmark. With its imposing architecture, it was strategically built with two batteries of cannons, forming a triangular system next to the Fortresses of Anhatomirim and São José da Ponta Grossa. Its purpose was to protect the northern entrance to the island, guaranteeing the site's security.

Imagine the cannons firing shots at the vessels entering the canal, while disembarkation was only permitted with the Governor's authorization, after a rigorous inspection. A Ratones Fortress It has a fascinating history and played a crucial role in the defense of the region.

When exploring the fortress, you will find several buildings that make up this historic complex, such as the Commander's House, the Troop Barracks, the Officers' House, the Powder Magazine (in ruins), the Palamenta House, the Guard House, the Troop Kitchen (in ruins), the Flour House and the Fountain. Each building tells its own story and provides a fascinating insight into the past.

Although it lost its military function in the 19th century, the fortress played an important role as a health center during outbreaks of epidemics that hit the old town of Desterro, today known as Florianópolis. It is a place full of historical significance.

Listed as National Historical and Artistic Heritage in 1938, the Fortaleza de Santo Antônio de Ratones was restored by the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 1991 and, again in 2023, transforming into an incredible and unique tourist destination. Come explore this architectural marvel, delve into the history and marvel at its breathtaking beauty. Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover a historical treasure of Santa Catarina!


Transport: Access to the Fortaleza is via nautical transport:


Sambaqui schooner

(48) 9656-1713 and 9116-8572

Pirates – Canasvieiras

(48) 3266-1911 – WhatsApp: (48) 98428-8541

Scunas South – Center

(48) 3225-1806

South Point – Center

Phone/WhatsApp: (48) 98405-1441





historic sites


Ratones Grande Island s/n North Bay, Florianópolis - SC




Monday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Friday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am to 6:30pm



How to get