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Presbyterian Church

About the attraction

The history of Presbyterian Church of Florianópolis began in 1886, when Rev. George W. Chamberlain visited the city and held conferences at the Álvaro de Carvalho Theater. In 1898, Rev. James B. Rodgers consolidated Presbyterianism in the region, officially organizing the church in 1901.

The idea of building a temple arose in 1900, and land was acquired on Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto. The cornerstone was laid on August 7, 1912, containing coins, period newspapers and a Bible used by Rev. Rodgers. On July 6, 1913, the temple was dedicated, becoming an important landmark for the local Presbyterian community.

The church generated new congregations, including the Presbyterian Churches of Jordão (1907), Três Riachos (1938), Estreito (1939) and Bethânia (1960). This growth reflects the community's dedication to spreading its faith and offering worship spaces to more people.

The temple has undergone several important renovations. The first major renovation was proposed in 1941 to expand the spaces. In 1988/1989, there was a significant remodeling of the mezzanine and social hall. In 2000, a complete restoration prepared the temple for the church's centenary.

In 1986, the temple was listed as part of the Municipal Historical Heritage of Florianópolis, recognizing its historical, architectural and artistic value. In 1995, after an adverse possession process, the church obtained official possession of the land, guaranteeing the preservation of its legacy.

Today, the Florianópolis Presbyterian Church continues to be a symbol of faith and dedication. Open to all, the church offers a welcoming space for worship and community events. The recent addition of a lift station allows access for people with special needs, ensuring everyone can participate.

Visit the Presbyterian Church of Florianópolis at Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto, 307, and discover the history and beauty of this cultural treasure.





historic sites


Florianópolis Presbyterian Church, R. Visc. de Ouro Preto, 307 - Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88020-040




Monday: 2pm to 6pm
Tuesday: 2pm to 6pm
Wednesday: 2pm to 6pm
Thursday: 2pm to 6pm
Friday: 2pm to 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 9am to 12pm – 7:30pm to 9pm



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