What to do

Santa Catarina Arts Museum (MASC)

About the attraction

O Santa Catarina Art Museum (MASC), located in Integrated Culture Center (CIC) in Florianópolis, it is an unmissable destination for art lovers. Founded in 1949 as the Florianópolis Museum of Modern Art and renamed in 1970, MASC began its collection with the influential Contemporary Art Exhibition of 1948, brought by Marques Rebelo.

Today, the museum houses around 2 thousand works that reflect the cultural diversity of Santa Catarina and Brazil. Local artists include Hassis, Rodrigo de Haro and Juarez Machado, while the national collection includes Di Cavalcanti, Portinari, Tarsila do Amaral, and Iberê Camargo, among other masters of Brazilian art.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, MASC offers temporary exhibitions that are regularly announced on its social networks. Therefore, it is recommended to check social media before visiting to find out about the featured exhibitions.

Located in the cultural heart of Florianópolis, CIC, MASC not only offers an enriching experience to visitors, but also allows them to immerse themselves in the history and artistic diversity of the state and country.





museums and galleries


Santa Catarina Art Museum, Av. Gov. Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 - Agronômica, Florianópolis - SC, 88025-202




Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10am to 9pm
Wednesday: 10am to 9pm
Thursday: 10am to 9pm
Friday: 10am to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 9pm





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