What to do

Roldão da Rocha Pires Square

About the attraction

A Roldão da Rocha Pires Square, affectionately known as the “1st sidewalk street”, is a historic landmark located in the charming Santo Antônio neighborhood of Lisbon. Dating back to the times of Dom Pedro II, this square was the pioneer in receiving paving in the state of Santa Catarina, a tribute to the monarch's visit to the island. Its legacy dates back to January 11, 1698, when the first sesmarias were granted to Father Matheus de Leão and some Portuguese families, marking the beginning of the occupation of these lands.

Over the years, the place witnessed the significant arrival of the Azoreans, in 1748, who came to strengthen and expand the territory. Receiving the status of Parish by D. João V, on April 27, 1750, with the name of Nossa Senhora das Necessidades da Praia Comprida, the area was renamed in 1948 as Santo Antônio de Lisboa, reflecting the Portuguese cultural influence.

The cultural richness of this square is a living testimony to the life, work and customs of the different peoples who have shaped this region over the centuries. From the Carijós to the Africans, including the Portuguese, each group left its mark, contributing to the formation of a simple, welcoming and fraternal community.

Explore the charms of Praça Roldão da Rocha Pires and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Lisbon's Santo Antônio neighborhood. In addition to its rich history, you will find the lively Feira das Alfaias, in the center of the square, where local crafts and live music mix harmoniously, surrounded by bars and restaurants specializing in seafood delicacies.





historic sites


Praça Roldão da Rocha Pires, R. Cônego Serpa, 129 - Santo Antonio de Lisboa, Florianópolis - SC, 88050-440




Monday: uninterrupted
Tuesday: uninterrupted
Wednesday: uninterrupted
Thursday: uninterrupted
Friday: uninterrupted
Saturday: non-stop
Sunday: non-stop


Does not applyhere 


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