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Álvaro de Carvalho Theater – TAC

About the attraction

O Álvaro de Carvalho Theater, affectionately known as TAC, is more than a cultural space in Florianópolis, it is a true historical and cultural heritage of Santa Catarina. With a history that dates back to the mid-19th century, TAC has been the scene of events and transformations over the years.

Since its official inauguration in 1875, under the name of Santa Isabel, in honor of Princess Isabel, until today as Teatro Álvaro de Carvalho, in honor of the first playwright from Santa Catarina, the space has gone through several phases. It was once a National Guard barracks, housed political prisoners and was even the stage for pioneering cinema exhibitions in the city.

In more recent years, starting in the 1970s, TAC assumed its role as one of the main cultural centers in the region, dedicated exclusively to promoting artistic and cultural shows. Under the management of the Fundação Catarinense de Cultura (FCC), the theater celebrates the rich cultural production of Santa Catarina, offering a diverse program that covers theater, music, dance and much more.

In addition to being a performance space, TAC keeps the region's historical memory alive, preserving its traditions and contributing to the cultural enrichment of Florianópolis and the entire state of Santa Catarina.





historic sites


Álvaro de Carvalho Theater, R. Mal. Guilherme, 26 - Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88015-000




*Depending on events taking place at the location* 


Depending on events occurring at the location

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