Where to stay

Sebold Soldiers Refuge

About hosting

Welcome to Sebold Soldiers Refuge, the pioneering jewel of ecotourism and adventure tourism in Alfredo Wagner/SC! Located in the heart of the majestic Parque Soldados Sebold. We are more than just accommodation, we are a unique experience for trekking enthusiasts, adventurers who love camping and visitors who have nature and the outdoors as passions. 

Our location is a gift from nature, blessed with a wealth of natural attractions. Crystal clear waters dance among the trails, clouds play among the mountains and a symphony of birds fills the air. Our region is a dream turned into reality for those seeking the constant thrill of adventure and the untouched preservation of nature.  

Here, at Refugio Soldados Sebold, enjoying the authenticity of contact with nature is more than a promise, it is a guarantee. We invite you to embark on unparalleled adventures and get lost in the wonders that our region has to offer. Each trail traveled is a journey towards genuine connection with the environment. Every dawn is a new opportunity to be enveloped by the spectacle of nature in its purest state. 

Therefore, if you are looking for an experience that transcends the ordinary, Refugio Soldados Sebold is your unparalleled choice. Allow yourself to explore, discover and be enchanted by the natural wonders that Alfredo Wagner has to offer. Come, adventure and allow the magic of nature to transform your memories into stories for a lifetime. 

Distance from Florianópolis: 108km







Sebold Soldiers' Refuge, Santo Anjo - Alfredo Wagner, SC, 88450-000


alfredo wagner



How to get