
meet Canelinha

Discover the beauties of Canelinha

Located 64 km south of the capital of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Canelinha It is a municipality that stands out for its ceramic production and natural beauty that enchants visitors. At the Rolador Hill, also known as Pipa Hill, lovers of extreme sports will find the perfect setting for free flights and motounbike. O Profª Emília de Simas Montibeler Municipal Park houses the Casa Sant'Ana Museum, where local history is preserved, in addition to the Sant'ana Parish, an important landmark in the city.

Canelinha is recognized for its vibrant ceramic industry, with several potteries that keep the artisanal tradition alive.

Come and discover Canelinha, delve into its history and explore its beautiful natural landscapes.

Discover the best of Canelinha

what to do
where to stay
eat and drink

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