
meet Saint Boniface

Discover the beauties of Saint Boniface

Located 83 km south of the capital of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Saint Boniface It is a municipality that preserves the habits and customs of its first settlers. With a significant population of descendants of German immigrants, approximately 50% of the inhabitants understand or speak the German language.

The city stands out for its rich cultural heritage and half-timbered architecture, with more than 130 registered and mapped houses. Furthermore, São Bonifácio is known as the “Capital of Santa Catarina of Waterfalls”, a title conferred by the quantity and quality of the waterfalls present in the region.

Among the main tourist attractions are the Waterfall on the Rio do Salto, Capivari Waterfall, The Sony Waterfall and the Good Shepherd Grotto. Don't forget to try the local cuisine, which keeps German culture alive with traditional dishes such as gemüse and corn bread.

Come and discover São Bonifácio, where history and nature meet in enchanting harmony.

Discover the best of Saint Boniface

what to do
where to stay
eat and drink
